~J'adore la Musique~

Saturday, September 18, 2010


What comes into your mind when you see the word "achievement"? Surely, results, goals, or even finally getting your hands on something. Well, my achievement didn't cover any of these at all. It all happened on Friday. I'm not going to use any real names here to protect the identity of those involved (although she doesn't deserve that at all).

After a particularly difficult A Math paper, me and one of my best friend, Y, were starting off for home. We only went as far as the school foyer though. It was raining buckets and once you stepped out, there was no turning back. It was a get-wet guarantee. We stood there contemplating on whether to make a dash for it or to stay in the canteen and do some studying. Turns out we didn't have a hard decision to make. Just then, we noticed this notorious reptile pacing about the foyer. Typical case. No umbrella. It's just that the person involved was not that typical at all. Y and I decided to run out quickly to avoid being attacked by that scary thing.

I took a deep breath, then darted into the showers, opening my umbrella at the same time. Then, I heard it, the reptile calling my name. I didn't care anymore, pounding into puddles, wetting my precious shoes. I just couldn't risk sharing my umbrella with such a person. A person who tries to deny everything she had done to me and think that I would be ignorant of the fact. A person who after hurting someone, expects that victim to help her. NO WAY, MAN!

That was what I achieved, without a hint of guilt. I learned over the 3 years or so in this school that one could never be too nice to strangers or they will take advantage of you. It's a crucial lesson that will definitely help me to face other worse people in my life in the near future. I learned things the hard way, being 'harmed' by so many people because I was so soft, so weak. I learnt that there are people who just express hatred towards another of their own species just because they don't like how the poor person looks. I learnt that there are people who shoot you in the back and hug you when you turn around and still find their guns smoking. These are examples of people of ages 12-16. Just imagine. Young people being able to so such stuff to others, to take advantage of others. I don't intend to think of the future just yet because it will inevitably make me want to die.

I walked home that day, drenched, stinking, but nonetheless feeling proud of myself. The Yes Girl has finally learnt to say No.

Teared On|8:58 AM|