My brain's in a complete mess now. It's just a swirling river of thoughts. Not murky in that sense. I mean it's so filled with so many different thoughts that it's something like a mixture. That makes a river murky right? I don't know. Really. Before I go, here's some wise words: Procrastination kills. Remember that.
I finally got to use the computer. Mum's busy working on her extra job - teaching at the Building Control Authority Academy - which requires her to sit in front of the computer longer than I sleep. She's currently struggling with Power Point now. Don't laugh. It's true. People of another era face so different, so contrasting problems from us. I had to teach her how to draw lines and shapes. She's not to blame either. The new Microsoft Office version had me stumped tons of times too, only that I had the determination to unearth those hidden sources. Well, my Daddy loves to spend his time playing Super Text Twist. He could sit hours on end playing that single, simple game and of course, scold anybody who gets in his way. Then comes my little bro. He's really fast when it comes to the computer. The moment my mum gets up from the chair to cook dinner, my brother sits on it. It takes quite a while for me to lumber into the dining area so I lose out everytime.
Now, my whole family's asleep and I have the whole computer to myself. *Hah* This is such a nice feeling though I'm going to sweat all the fats off me soon enough. Seriously, the weather has been getting to me. My temper flares easier than normal now and I sweat like a PIG. I don't sound depressed. There's always a trigger to the wreckage of nerves in the brain and maybe this will cause it soon enough. I seem unusually happy at times and moody the next minute, especially when I start engaging in my favourite pastime - Brooding over stuff. It's the worst pastime anyone could ever have but I just can't seem to get rid of it. Okay, I think I should update the one damn thing that is making me mental now - Exam Results. Don't look at me like that. Here goes:
1. English - I did the worst for this subject.
2. Chinese - I'm really happy for this one, finally getting an A1 this year.
3. Combined Humanities - Geography was quite alright, though I really don't know why the oxbow lakes can't stick in my brain. Social Studies was the killer too. I nearly plucked out all my hair. Somebody, please teach me how to do SBQs.
4. Elementary Mathematics - I love this subject.
5. Additional Mathematics - Finally an A1 too.
6. Physics - A feeling of affection for this once-stupid subject flows in me now.
7. Chemistry - Always loved it and will continue loving it.
8. Biology - Horrible, Terrible, Vegetable. This phrase is so familiar. Bio MCQs and essays suck.
Okay, that's it then. Wanna know more? Look for me in person though most likely you'll get a punch in your face. I cannot do well in subjects that require remembering and memorizing. It irks me and makes me feel at a disadvantage. My memory is horrible for the record. Don't argue. I won't listen. Anyway, anyone got songs to recommend? I'm dying to update my music.
I will be blogging about the so often used word here: Retribution. What in the world is retribution? I only know that it's something that happens to you after you mock others, pick on their flaws or well, just laugh at them to destress. For me, the latter applies. I do not have to reveal the full story out here as I do not need the whole world to know how EVIL I can be. The only thing I'm going to say is that my NOSE is running like a waterfall now. Post exam flu you may call it but I, insisting to be paranoid, think it's retribution. Yes, indeed, I have been a really bad person. I have laughed at many - well, isn't that everybody's usual pastime? - who have done things that they shouldn't have done in front of me and guess what? The person who got me laughing the longest has finally given me what I deserve. Wet tissue papers fill my bin and I constantly wonder when my NOSE will stop running. Well, I have revealed too much, I must say. I will hereforth sign off and leave you guys guessing who I think has cast me this long-deserved flu. Enjoy laughing and don't forget your retribution.
Okay. Let me admit first. I nearly died. From what? From the EOYs. It's lame and stupid but I nearly 'burst'. God knows how much sleep I lost from studying for the damn exams. The latest was around 2.30 am. I know it's not late but I slept at 1 am on average everyday. The weird thing is, I haven't started hibernating yet. Everytime it comes to studying, I'll be the first to knock out but now, since the exams are over, I'm up and alive. The computer is one of the main reason for this. Don't tell my mum. Well, here's the report on the exams:
1. English paper sucked.
2. A Maths paper was sh*t.
3. I'm gonna punch myself for that 1st question in E Maths paper 1.
4. E Maths paper 2 was okay.
5. Physics was okay.
6. Bio paper 2 was sh*t.
7. Bio paper 1 was okay.
8. Chem was quite alright (before Mdm Lock told me that I left out one question).
9. SS and Geog were both okay.
Yeah. Oh I left out Chinese. That was quite hard too. I couldn't understand the passages. That's it then! The post exam update. I still am quite stressed. I think it's because the release from stress is too sudden. It hasn't hit me yet though I feel quite happy already, not having to sit at the study table, banging my head and laughing for no reason.
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