538 photos. That's the number of photos I took or more accurately, WE took during the Macau and Hong Kong trip. This was the 1st time my family got to go somewhere out of Malaysia by air. The whole trip was not as great as I had expected but good nonetheless. Macau is filled with casinoes. 31 in total. I wonder if people there pass their time gambling. We stayed at Casa Real Hotel. We also tried their food. The fried rice and kway teow is totally different. They don't use black sauce and chilli. But I like the yang zhou fried rice. Haha. They put ham in the rice. Totally delicious. Very oily though. Ok. I don't have the time to post everything I did so I will post pictures. A picture speaks a thousand words. Let's summarize everything. I woke up at 3am, went to the Budget Terminal in Changi Airport, took the Tiger Airways to Macau, then took a ferry called TurboJet to Hong Kong the next day, went to Hong Kong Disneyland, stayed at West Hotel, went to Ocean Park, then took TurboJet back to Macau, slept, and took Tiger Airways back to Changi Airport's Budget Terminal.
There goes one hectic week. Finally. I was so tired. We had to go back to school for band rehearsals to prepare for the BIG day. Our first ever official performance in front of a large number of audience. We were scheduled to perform at the UCC. That was horrible considering how large the place is. The few rehearsals sucked. Really. We screwed up on the 3rd Nov and got a hell of a scolding. That made me mad and some really unpleasant words came out of my usually clean mouth. Haha. Then came the worse 5th Nov. The day before the BIG day. The organisers had some kind of silly finale and expected 10 people from band to do a short dance thing while flinging some horrible pinky ribbon around. I was lucky enough not to get chosen the first round but not lucky enough when they were kind of short of people. I nearly burst. The anger inside me was bubbling dangerously but everyone thought I was okay. I was not, by the way. In the end, after arguing with the teachers, we got our own way, that is to march out with our instruments and do some crazy actions with it. I accepted it.
So here comes the BIG day. I woke up to the sound of old folks exercising nearby with music. I had to rush and the horrible thing was that my stockings couldn't quite fit. In the end, I had no choice but to scream for my mum to help me. I tugged and heaved and finally got it into place. Then came the shoes. The clog shoes. At least that's how I think it's spelt. I walked like a limp. My mum said I was lamer than Mas Selamat. I had to limp all the way to the school toilet to stuff tissue into the shoe. It hurt. Then I made my way up to the band store. I didn't dare to look at anyone. I was perspiring through my white shirt and it showed. I had to put on the blazer to cover up. Unbearable is all I can say about how I felt. We reached the UCC and went to our dressing rooms. Then we went to practice for the finale. That took hours. When we went back, everyone finished their lunch. I practically ate 2 packets of the not nice meesiam but I was really famished. I didn't give a care about the world. Then we went to practice on the stage. I could tell that Mr Hoe was pissed off. It didn't feel scary at all when we were practising but when the real thing came, I was shaking. The worst thing was seeing all the crazy audiences down there and up there. I told myself not to be afraid but when I started playing, my fingers were shivering on my clarinet. Horrible. It squeeeaked so many times that I assume everybody in the hall heard it. Towards the end, I gained more confidence and all went better. On the whole, almost everyone enjoyed it. Mr Hoe said it was good anyway. Haha. Better than expected. We saw seniors during the finale and screamed our lungs out. Then, we packed up and waited for the bus. Junie and Atiq wanted to take pictures. Then we boarded the bus and poof we were back to school. We shifted everything, did a quick count to make sure everyone was there and home sweet home. I was tired out. It was Mummy's birthday too, so we celebrated before I went to bathe. I couldn't wait for my hair to dry and just went to sleep. I woke up at 11.30 the next day so you know how exhausted I was. Haha. This is the end of my loooooong composition. Thank you for your kind attention although I bet nobody would read this.
Hey everyone! I'm back! Haha. It's so nice to see you guys again. Don't mind me. I'm talking to myself. Let's start things off. I woke up at 11 today. Not late ok. But at least I know that I'm back to my usual self. I watched survivor last night that's why. Haha. Ace finally got voted out!!! I didn't like him from the start. Ok. So I woke up and ate bread with curry tuna. 2 pieces of them then I skipped lunch-instant noodles yuck-until my mum offered to toast bread for me. So bread for lunch again. Then we departed for Malaysia. Stupid traffic jam. Sucks so much till I got headache. I fell asleep only to be woken up by my brother's pokes. He claimed that he was beating up Baby Taz-my sister's stuffed toy by the way. My parents brought us to McDonald's there and I ate a spicy filet-o-fish. Nothing special by the way. Just normal filet-o-fish plus chilli sauce. Then I got a mudpie. Nice mcflurry with chocolate toppings and chocolate sundae sauce. I'm sick so I had the whole cup to myself. Then we headed back to Malaysia home. My sister borrowed the latest Jonas Brothers CD from her friend so I started operating on it. Haha. Rip. I like their songs. This version has a CD-ROM part to it. It gives us access to Exclusive Video Footage, Printable Photos, Lyrics, Downloadable Graphics and much more... It's stated there like that. So far, after many tiring hours, I've completed viewing the whole CD and ripping the songs. That's why I'm here now. Blogging. Haha. Ok. Night. I wish my mp4 is ok now. I can't stand living without music! It's horrible. Silence, quietness, just no music.
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